What To Know About Paying Employees Outside the U.S.

When you’re an employer, it’s not uncommon to have employees all over the place. There are some examples of employees working outside of U.S. borders, without the company having an official presence in that country. Some examples include temporary employees who go abroad for a specific project or having employees go to other countries to […]

How to Save Money on the Cost of Business Equipment

Starting a new business can be expensive, especially if you need specialist equipment to get things moving. Even if it’s just you and a laptop in your spare room, there is the cost of a business laptop and peripherals to factor in. Additionally, businesses will also need a good business phone to make sure people […]

Taking Your Own Advice and Helping Others is Good Business

Building a business from the ground up takes confidence, persistence, and a drive to succeed no matter what. Along the way, you learn to trust your own ideas, to take risks and roll the dice on an idea when there’s no clear answer whether it’s going to work or fail miserably. Taking calculated risks is […]

Business ideas to consider as your first online venture

When you start a new business online, you’ll expose yourself to less risk than simply investing your precious bucks on physical storefront or downtown office since your business is just based online, you can find more potential customers, work from anywhere you want and still make money without large overheads.

Group helps businesses run with the big dogs

First dogs were allowed into pubs, then into cafés and now their own lobby group has got tongues and tails wagging. The Irish headquarters of Google and Airbnb have joined a new organisation to promote dog-friendly businesses and lobby for the rights of cafés to welcome dogs and their owners.