What is it about the five-year period which drives people to the brink of making some impulsive and drastic changes in their lives, as a result of not making the kind of progress within that time frame? I reckon we should change that question we always ask about where you see yourself in the next five years to something that comes in a little bit more of some bite-sized chunks. Why can’t it be two years or six years?
Anyway, for now, we’ll work with the five-year period many people give themselves in order to achieve certain goals they have and one of the major stumbling blocks they come across is ironically not an obstacle that is to be jumped over, but rather a rut to be climbed out of. Many people find themselves stuck in a rut in their careers and subsequently with regard to their earnings.
I mean you could be employed in some remote town, very far away from any career advancement leads you could pursue in order to take your career and earnings to the next level and this would naturally have you feeling like there is absolutely no way whatsoever of clawing your way out of your rut. I won’t sugar-coat in any way – your options are indeed limited, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any options available at all.
If you are someone who is looking for a total career change, then there are options out there for you to go for it. Some people will forgo an office job to be a yoga teacher by taking yoga teacher training atlanta courses to achieve that dream. To you, it may seem a leap, but to those who have a vision and a set goal, this is just what they are looking for, they just need to know how to get there.
Fortunately, you already have all the tools you need to fashion yourself whatever it is you’d use to climb out of your rut. You have your knowledge which nobody can take away from you and you have access to the internet. Seriously, what more do you need?
Now I need to get one thing straight though – you’re not going to start making money the very next day and you’re probably not going to be making the kind of money that will have you quitting your job within a month or two. Even when you eventually do quit, you might want to check out these tips on how to write a resignation letter as maintaining a good relationship with your former employer could be quite useful as you go for better positions or establish yourself independently. Nonetheless, it’s going to take a while to get you where you want to be, but you have to approach it with the view that it’s as much about the journey as it is about the destination.
What you should do is establish yourself as an authority in a number of niches you deal with daily. So you can go the blog route like I’m doing or you could perhaps even self-publish some books via something like Amazon’s Kindle self-publishing platform. I’d suggest going the blogging route… However, if you feel you’re writing skills are suitable, and you have the means to try and have some books published or self-published, then make sure to be consistent in writing and also take a look into the industry to find Freelance Typographers and other professionals you may need when it comes to finally having your book come to fruition.
What you’re going to do is discuss anything and everything on your blog, firmly establishing yourself as an authoritative figure by publishing information your readers can really make use of. It’s all about giving value, whether you know a good Century City Divorce Attorney you can refer your readers to (on the personal front), or indeed if you could perhaps use the knowledge you obtained via your formal schooling to run some kind of consulting operation.
So basically what you should do is use the internet to get yourself out there as an authoritative figure and then explore ways to monetise your knowledge, information and anything else of value you might have to share.