For several generations, young people have been postponing setting a date for their wedding because they have been raised to think that financial stability will also help provide a foundation for stability within the marriage itself. While this may be true some of the time, it isn’t always the case. There are various reasons why delaying a wedding could actually hurt that long-term relationship, ways you may not even have considered when seeking to become financially stable.
How Old Will You Be at the Project Date of the Nuptials?
When waiting to graduate from college, or even until after you earn your master’s degree, you may even want to wait until you’ve found stable employment. There are a couple of flaws in this logic. The first being, at what age do you expect that to be? If you will be well into your late 20s or early 30s, you then need to think about whether or not you want to raise a family. While you ‘may’ get pregnant right away, there is a possibility it may take years. Your biological clock keeps ticking as you continue seeking financial stability.
You Will Not Need to Sacrifice College for a Family!
Whether you are seeking an undergraduate degree from Rutgers University, for example, or looking for an advanced degree, you can always earn that degree from home by enrolling at Rutgers University online. Rutgers is simply used as an example to show you that you can lead a happy family life, work, and still get a degree online. This was a logical reason for delaying your wedding in the past before the leading universities established online curriculums, but there is no reason to wait to get married. You may want to wait a while to start a family, but you can begin living as a married couple while getting your education. In fact, sometimes that alone time as a couple helps to solidify the marriage.
Family Life with Children Won’t Help You Build Financial Stability
Sometimes, this is the case, but when both partners are working (with or without children in the picture) it is possible to actually have greater resources when putting two incomes together to get bills paid. Why keep two homes going, knowing that at some point you will only need one, when you can work, go to school and live as a happy couple all at the same time. There is an old cliché that says that “two heads are better than one,” but have you ever stop to consider that two incomes are better than one? Why pay the cost of two separate households if you are trying to save money? It isn’t logical.
Only you know the state of your finances, but if you are using any of the above as reasons behind waiting an extended period of time before tying the knot, there are ways to overcome those obstacles. It could be that something inside is telling you that now is not the right time. If so, perhaps that is not the problem. It could be that some inner sense is telling you that this is not the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Don’t let financial security be a stumbling block. Two heads are better than one, and in this case, two wallets are better than one. If you are right for each other and are sure of it, these are no longer valid reasons for the delay.