Many are the days one plans to go for a winter break but fear the weather might hinder their skin. Some reasons CBD oil is important in dry winter skin include; giving glowing skin, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the presence of vitamins.
CBD oil has all the properties that can give relief from doubts. This is done through the benefits that they have. Winter may be a good time to take some break from the hot summer days. However, one is always at risk of getting dry and flaky skin. At times the skin may be irritated and cracked. This may play a role in lowering an individual’s self-esteem. As much as some people look forward to the winter weather, those with skin conditions or sensitive skin are always at a risk of having some breakouts. CBD oil may not necessarily treat skin conditions but find some way to help a person manage them and relieve pain through its different properties.
Ways Of Using CBD in Dry Winter Skin
CBD Topicals, Balms, and Creams
Tabassum & Hamdani (2014) suggested that skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema can be managed by using No Cap Hemp Co THC concentrates. A person can apply CBD oil to the skin, which will do its work by interacting with the cannabinoid system. The body has Cannabinoid receptors in every part of the body. According to Aral et al. (2020), CBD oil is absorbed into the skin. It interacts with the cannabinoid receptors that assist in moisturizing and nourishing the skin and preventing it from breaking out. A person can carry CBD topicals anywhere, and it does not take much time to apply to the skin. It does not require any dosage, and it is all about the preference of the person and how dry the skin is. However, for it to be effective, one needs to use it on the regular. A person can make DIY CBD topical at home if finances are a problem.
Ingested CBD
According to Shannon & Opila-Lehman (2016), the best and most effective way to ingest CBD oil is by sublingual. This can be done by placing a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue. The mucous membranes absorb the CBD oil and send them into the bloodstream. The results will not be felt immediately, but the levels of CBD inside the body will boost the skin’s health. The effects will, however, take time for them to be noticeable. This is the best way to take the CBD orally as the pills need to be digested before they are passed into the bloodstream. This means that it may take some time for the effects to be felt. In any case, you can explore online dispensaries like bmwo to find a plethora of different CBD products on sale. When you do enough research, you may be able to better differentiate between oil, edibles like gummies, or canna flowers, which will allow you to make a more informed decision.
CBD Bath Bombs, Salts, And Soaks
Evans (2020) noted that CBD oil could be used in bath bombs to treat dry and flaky skin. Bath bombs are safe to use as all it entails is soaking yourself in a bath full of CBD bath bombs. The same applies to Cannabidiol Gummies and soaks. They are placed in water and allowed to dissolve. Once completely dissolved, people can soak themselves in the water and give time for the cannabinoids present in the CBD bath bomb to work.
Reasons Why CBD Oil Is Vital In The Dry Winter Skin
Has Vitamins
The skin needs to be introduced to oils rich in Vitamins A, D, C, and E to have a firm texture. Vitamin c helps shed the new skin and accommodate the new skin regeneration. This lowers the chances of the skin breaking out, and they cannot become dry and flaky.
Heals And Treats Acne Breakouts
The cold and dry weather may be good, especially after the summer but may make those with skin conditions suffer. This is because of the likelihood that they may have skin breakouts, and their skin may be flaky and dry. A person is likely to have acne when this happens. According to Jin & Lee (2018), CBD oil helps lower sebum production by making the sebaceous glands not produce too much oil. The study above also noted that CBD oil might treat and heal acne and winter dryness scars. People with acne lack the fatty acids in their skin. This is why CBD oil minimizes the chances of one getting acne.
Gives a Glowing Skin
CBD oil interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the body. The brain receptors help improve the body’s ability to regenerate healthy skin cells. The body gives out glowing and youthful skin when it regenerates the skin cells. This is made possible through the nourishing and moisturizing properties.
Moisturizes and Nourishes The Skin
According to Baral et al. (2020), CBD has nutrients such as omega3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which assist in nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The study above suggested that people with dry skin can use CBD oil to moisturize and leave their skin completely nourished . however, CBD should be used regularly to be effective. The Winter months can bring about some dry skin. CBD oil helps in such conditions as it will prevent your skin from drying through its moisturizing properties.
Benefits Of Using CBD Oil
CBD oil has been known to deal with dry skin and prevent them from getting dry and infections from the winter weather. Cannabidiol assists in dry winter weather by protecting the skin differently. They include;
- The antibacterial and antifungal properties prevent the skin from drying and getting fungal and bacterial infections.
- CBD oil prevents the sebaceous glands from being overactive. It interacts with the endocannabinoid system, lowering the production of sebum and the risk of acne.
- Vermaak et al. (2011) noted that CBD heals and treats the scars and spots caused by acne and the dryness from winter.
- Nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
- Has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the skin from drying and having breakouts.
- Minimizes the risk of getting wrinkles and the skin from aging prematurely through its antioxidant properties.
CBD oil has brought about some benefits that no one knew about. Some have even started using them in their skincare routine. Those with skin conditions will likely benefit from using CBD oils, especially during winter. This is because their skins may become dry and flaky. Some may be irritated, and others may have cracks. CBD oil has moisturizing and nourishing effects that ensure that one does not suffer from these skin conditions and that they are free from getting them in the future. They also have anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidant properties. You are guaranteed fun on your winter holiday without being self-conscious.
Evans, J. (2020). The Ultimate Guide To CBD: Explore The World Of Cannabidiol. Fair Winds Press.
Baral, P., Bagul, V., & Gajbhiye, S. (2020). Hemp Seed Oil For Skin Care (Non-Drug Cannabis Sativa L.): A Review. World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, 9(8), 2534-2556.
Jin, S., & Lee, M. Y. (2018). The Ameliorative Effect Of Hemp Seed Hexane Extracts On The Propionibacterium Acnes-Induced Inflammation And Lipogenesis In Sebocytes. Plus One, 13(8), E0202933.
Tabassum, N., & Hamdani, M. (2014). Plants Are Used To Treat Skin Diseases: Pharmacognosy Reviews, 8(15), 52.
Shannon, S., & Opila-Lehman, J. (2016). Effectiveness Of Cannabidiol Oil For Pediatric Anxiety And Insomnia As Part Of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Report. The Permanente Journal, 20(4).
Vermaak, I., Kamatou, G. P. P., Komane-Mofokeng, B., Viljoen, A. M., & Beckett, K. (2011). African Seed Oils Of Commercial Importance-Cosmetic Applications. South African Journal Of Botany, 77(4), 920-933.